Company Profile

Building on 15 years of experience in the European software market, ULTRA4 assists people and businesses to create better software designed for the future.

ULTRA4 addresses companies, organizations and self-employed that consider their information systems as a strategic competitive advantage and aim to utilize the best technologies in a reasonably priced manner in order to strengthen their growth.

The company was established by a team of ambitious IT professionals with major experience in enterprise software development and related services in the Netherlands, Germany, Greece and Poland.
ULTRA4 Advanced Information Systems
The company’s product line and services concentrate around the areas of Business Web Applications, Rich Internet Applications, Portal Sites, Content- and Knowledge Management Solutions, Telecom Applications and System Integration.

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Mission Statement

Our mission is to assist software companies to deliver successful, full-scale enterprise software designed for the future; i.e. software that provides the following fundamental characteristics:
  1. Respects the customer’s investment (short time-to-market, high quality, high ROI).
  2. Protects the existing investments (maximal utilization of existing investments).
  3. Easily adopts to changing external conditions (low or zero coding change effort).
  4. Minimizes human intervention (low or zero administration and maintenance effort).
  5. Is accessible from anywhere (intranet, internet, mobile devices, web services, etc.).
  6. Is absolutely secure (flexibly configurable multiple level security).
Furthermore, we aim to meet the needs of a possibly broad range of end customers with our own innovative software products as well as with the creation of customized software solutions and services providing the fundamental characteristics named above.

Our News

Stay Tuned

The German energy provider Westnetz has chosen ULTRA4 to implement a web-based circuit switching management system for its operators. The system has been rolled out successfully on October 21st, 2016, after a development period of ca. 7 months.

October 21, 2016

January 01, 2016

ULTRA4 started a new large investment cycle to further extend our implementation of our innovative Meeting and Collaboration platform, targeted at all visual aspects of Social Media and Television, creating a new platform that integrates Television functionality with the Internet.

ULTRA4 develops a new workflow system for Airplus, that is used to manage the internal workflows for all the daily business procedures, specifically focused on improving efficiency of the daily work of employees.

August 20, 2015

May 17, 2013

UltraCore - that is ULTRA4's platform for the development of new-generation Business Web Applications - has been extended by generic layout-algorithms that allow for the automatic adjustment of the user interface of any Web Application to screens of different size and resolution.

In this way, any Web Application developed with UltraCore can offer a superior user experience not only on Desktop-PCs equipped with high-end monitors but also on Laptops, Notebooks, Tablets and other devices having small-sized and/or low-resolution screens.

And all this out-of-the-box without any necessity for programming different variations of the user interface for different screen sizes and resolutions!

ULTRA4 has been contracted by one of the leading German energy suppliers with the implementation of a web-based system for the management and maintenance of electricity pylons in the areas of Rhein-Main, Rhein-Neckar and Rhein-Lahn. The system will offer (among other) the new innovative features of automatic user interface adjustment to small-sized- and low-resolution-screens, the possibility to work without having internet access and the automatic data synchronization as soon as internet access is available again.

February 4, 2013

June 20, 2012

ULTRA4 is implementing an interactive map application for the display of layers of geographical points of interest. The application will provide a comprehensive organization of a town’s infrastructure and services, allowing the public to easily locate spots of interest, navigate to all the related information on the web and find out how to get there by public transportation.

The cooperation between Syna Ltd. and ULTRA4 continues with the implementation of a web-based logistic planning system for electrical power generators and supporting trucks. The system is currently in development and will be delivered in the coming weeks.

June 6, 2012

March 10, 2012

The German energy provider Syna Ltd. has chosen ULTRA4 to implement a web-based circuit switching management system for its operators. The system has been rolled out successfully on February 1st, 2012, after a short development period of ca. 4 months.

ULTRA4's Web conferencing and Meetings solution Join2Meet is online. Try now for free at

September 1, 2011

January 20, 2011

We have started the development of a conference and webinar solution. The solution will allow people to conduct online meetings, presentations and remote support. The solution will be offered to subscribers as an online internet service. The service is expected to go live in July 2011.

The IVR appplication at our customer Airplus has been extended for support of multiple payment providers. The Santander Bank has been added as an additional payment provider. The handling of the customers of the Santander Bank is now customized to the preferences of the bank.

January 15, 2011

May 05, 2010

ULTRA4 consultants have joined an UltraCore based project for the implementation of workflow applications for financial transactions.

A major European airline has chosen UltraCore to implement a comprehensive material management system for its customer royalty program. The system has been rolled out successfully on February 1st, 2010, after a short development period of ca. 3 months.

February 01, 2010

October 5, 2009

A world-wide leading provider of financial services has chosen UltraCore as the development platform for the implementation of its Internet Business Applications.

The University of Twente (Enschede, The Netherlands) has contracted ULTRA4 to develop a Web 2.0 platform for the collaboration of a world-wide maintenance community: The World Class Maintenance Community Site (WCMCS).

The WCMCS will be used by experts involved in the area of system and software maintenance. It will offer an environment where experts can register and manage a personal profile page, view each other's profiles, link to other experts, communicate with each other, offer information regarding maintenance knowledge and its related subjects (e.g. educational issues, best practices, know-how, “how-to” hints , etc.) and much more.

An expert is not necessarily a person, but could also be a research group, a part of an educational institution or an expert group from the private sector.

After working successfully for many customers in Germany, Greece and Cyprus, ULTRA4 extends with this project its customer basis to one more very important European country: the Netherlands and demonstrates its competence in the field of next-generation Web 2.0 Applications and highest level of services and support.

August 24, 2009

June 22, 2009

Successful production start of an IVR system which handles payments via debit cards in the United Kingdom. The system carries out 1000 - 2000 transactions per month in the beginning phase and is designed to handle more than 30.000 transactions per month. It has been developed and integrated with the backend systems in only 2 weeks by using the UltraTelecom platform.

The IVR system features runtime speech generation from data and a distributable architecture: The PBX module (that handles the calls), the TTS engine (that generates speech from data) and the backend applications (which perform the payment tranasaction) can be distributed over different servers providing in this way a practically unlimited scalability for the future.

The Water Development Department of the Cypriot Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment starts with the pilot operation of the System for the Economical Analysis of Water Use (SEAWU) that has been developed by ULTRA4.

The SEAWU is a web application for the economic analysis of water use and the development and application of water pricing policies according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. It constitutes an adaptation of the ULTRA4's Water Management System to the characteristics of Cyprus.

With the SEAWU, Cyprus will be one of the first European countries that will accompany the implementation of the Water Framework Directive with an information system that a) will hold extensive data series on a practically unlimited number of parameters being related to the Water Framework Directive, b) will calculate the financial, environmental and ressource cost of water use and c) will enable the detailed evaluation of the statistical information gathered by featuring flexible reporting- and OLAP capabilities.

May 15, 2009

April 6, 2009

The shipping company Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd. (Athens, Greece) orders from ULTRA4 the extension of the ShipVisitManager. ShipVisitManager is a web based fleet management application developed with UltraCore that is in production since the beginning of 2009. The extensions consist mainly in extensive reporting- and chart functionality.

Succesful production start of the web based fleet management application ShipVisitManager developed with UltraCore for the customer Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd. (Athens, Greece).

January 12, 2009

December 3, 2008

The UltraCore platform has been enriched with the integration of end-to-end automated testing. The new functionality enables companies to raise the quality of the developed software and provides siginificant competitive advantage in the IT market.

ULTRA4 starts intensivating the marketing activities in the very important market Central Europe with special focus on Germany.

November 21, 2008

November 17, 2008

Successful production start of a web based application for credit card management focussing on the aspects of modularity, reusability of components and the integration of an advanced workflow engine. The application has been developed with the UltraCore technology.

Successful production start of an IVR system which handles the activation of credit cards and customer support using text to speech technology and open source components. The system supports in the beginning phase 30.000 customers and has been developed on top of the UltraTelecom technology.

November 17, 2008

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ULTRA4 - Advanced Information Systems
K. Tzerras - J. van Slooten Partnership


+30 2310 688087


Akadimou 115
56224 Thessaloniki, Greece


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